DLA Piper joines forces with Nordic Business Ethics

15 Mar 2021

We are proud to announce that DLA Piper has entered into a strategic partnership with Nordic Business Ethics 

In collaboration with Nordic Business Ethics (NBE), we will be taking actively part in EthicsTalk LIVE events to discuss topical matters. 

Together with NBE and their founders, we have a great opportunity to share our experience and discuss themes that matter to us. The first event of 2021 on Diversity and Inclusion was held on International Women's Day 8 March with our CMP Matti Ylä-Mononen as one of the participants. Matti shared with the audience what Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) means for DLA Piper and talked about our values, particularly how behaviour under our value Be Supportive embraces D&I. 

For us, diversity and inclusion means human rights, wellbeing, safety and belonging, but also better business. At its heart, D&I for us is about everyone having a voice. The way our values were born reflects also inclusion in the firm; everyone had a chance to be part of the work and contribute. Our values demonstrate who we are based on external and internal research, including workshops, on line feedback and voting, as well as client and stakeholder interviews.  

Our value Be Supportive means that we care about others, value diversity and act thoughtfully. It also means that we don’t treat people differently based on their role and background. 

In May 2021, EthicsTalk LIVE will discuss the theme Lead by example, and later this year we'll be talking about topics like Human rights and Whistleblowing.