DLA Piper releases its global guide to esports regulations

25 Nov 2019

DLA Piper has today launched its ‘Esports Laws of the World’ guide which covers regulations covering 38 jurisdictions.

The esports industry is considered to be one of the fastest-growing entertainment business, with many predicting it to overshadow some of the more ‘traditional’ sports in the near future. However, in many jurisdictions, the business of esports remain a widely unregulated area as the industry struggles to keep pace with this rapidly developing market. The guide acts as a useful reference tool for establishing the regulatory environment for national esports in different parts of the world.

Nicholas Fitzpatrick, Media, Sport and Entertainment Global Co-Chair, commented:

"The massive and growing impact of esports is nothing more nor less than the wave of the future. These new competitions face many of the same challenges as traditional sports - issues which must be rapidly mastered. But what traditional sport has done through organic development over decades, esports must face immediately. The pace of change will be rapid and all this against a back drop of rules and regulations which often do not show an appreciation of, let alone address, these challenges. We will watch this sector closely and continue to contribute to the global discussion of this phenomenon."

Milan-based Intellectual Property & Technology partner Giulio Coraggio, who led on the compilation of this guide, added:

"The guide draws on the expertise and insights of our lawyers based in different jurisdictions around the world and will provide a valuable reference tool for our clients either investing, or looking to invest, in esports. It is a young industry which has not been comprehensively regulated and in many cases falls under related regulation concerning gambling, sports or advertising. This guide aims to flag potential issues, identify possible solutions and will be regularly updated to address the constantly changing nature of this exciting industry."

The Global Co-Chairs of DLA Piper's Media, Sports and Entertainment sector are Peter White in New York and Nick Fitzpatrick in London.

‘Esports Laws of the World’ guide is available here.